Ferry Farm Community Solar had another good year of generating electricity from the sun, and supported a wide range of community initiatives in the local communities of Selsey and Sidlesham.
Serving the local community
To date Ferry Farm Community Solar funded two community programmes, which have been running for nearly 3 years:
An energy and fuel poverty advice service managed by ‘Selsey Works’, a local community advice service run by Selsey Town Council
An application-led community grant fund administered by Selsey Community Forum
The energy and fuel poverty advice service helps individuals and families living in fuel poverty reduce their energy spend, maintain a healthy living environment in their homes, deal with energy debts and access energy-related benefit payments. The programme includes:
A weekly energy advice ‘surgery’
Home visits by an energy advisor
Energy awareness raising through publicity and attending events
The community grant fund has allocated £50,000 to local community projects to date. Awards have been made twice per year. The last round of grants awarded over £10,000 for a wide range of community activities, including contributions to:
A community singing group to run sessions with a professional music therapist
A breakfast club for gentlemen careers, and Selsey Men in Sheds group
The core costs of Snak Shak - a key local youth club - and Youth Dream Selsey to run a positive parenting programme
A community defribillator at Sidlesham Primary School
A speed indicator on the busy B2145 through Sidlesham
Improvements to Crablands tennis club floodlighting
Outdoor play area for a community playgroup
Brent Lodge Wildlife Trust animal care units
Improved disabled supporter access for Sidelsham Football Club
Solar generation
The solar panels at Ferry Farm generated enough electricity for almost 1,400 homes in the last 12 months. While solar irradiation was lower than projected in June around the country, this was more than compensated for across the year. In total, the solar farm generated around three percent more than projected.
Member share interest payments
Member interest payments are up to date, with the last 6% share interest payment made in in July 2019.
Our AGM was held in July and the minutes and presentation can be found on the DOCUMENTS page of our website.
We hope to be launching a new community bond offer in 2020 – please keep an eye out for details
If you have any queries about your interest payments or need to change your bank or contact details please contact our registrars Ethex via the Ethex Registry Portal. Simply log in, using your email address and password and click the grey pencil icon next to your Ferry Farm Community Solar investment on the Main dashboard. From here you can amend your contact information, home address and bank account details for future repayments. If you have any questions or have any trouble using the portal then you can email Ethex at registry@ethex.org.uk , call them on 01865 403304 or write to them at The Old Music Hall, 106-108 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1JE