9th January 2018
Ferry Farm Community Solar Announces Second Phase of Community Funding
We have now announced the latest local projects which will benefit from the awards provided via our community grant fund. The 2017 grant fund totaled £40,000 and was awarded across two application phases.
The successful projects from the second phase of the grant fund scheme are:
Sidlesham Football Club – for sports equipment including new goals and nets
Sidlesham Traffic Action Group – towards equipment including a speed awareness signage
St Mary’s Church, Sidlesham – to enable the purchase of two defibrillators for community use
Sidlesham Primary School – for playground equipment
St Peters Church, Selsey – to help fund the refurbishment of its community hall
Selsey Methodist Church – for community hall repairs
Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group – to fund a new staff member to help support its conservation work
Selsey Venture Club – for new security equipment
Medmerry Primary School, Selsey – to help fund new reading materials for disadvantaged pupils and the wider school community
Selsey Dementia Action Alliance – to help support activity costs
Snak Shak – enabling the service to offer evening youth provision
Royal British Legion – to help with activities for families
Ben Cooper, Ferry Farm Community Solar Director comments: “It is very pleasing to award this second round of funding, and we were delighted to see the level of interest in the grant applications. A total of 18 awards were made over the first year of the scheme, and we received 30 applications in total. All the awards made aim to help support the important work of local charities and community groups in Selsey and Sidlesham.”
Ferry Farm Community Solar offers two rounds of grant funding each year. The third round of funding is now open, and closes on 30th June 2018.
About Ferry Farm Community Solar The Ferry Farm Community Solar project is a 5 megawatt solar array just north of Selsey, West Sussex. The solar farm has been up and running and generating electricity and income from the sun since June 2016. It is expected to provide the equivalent power to the annual electricity consumption of around 1,300 houses for the next 25 – 30 years.
Ferry Farm Community Solar Ltd, a community benefit society governed by local people, raised over £300,000 through a community share offer in 2016. The first share interest payments were paid in July 2017.
Surplus income generated by the solar farm is used to support community organisations and projects in Selsey and Sidlesham. Over its lifetime the community solar project is expected generate around £1 million of community funding.
Editor’s Information
For more information, hi res images or to arrange an interview with Ferry Farm Community Solar, please contact Emma Cooper on 01243 214175 or emma@recenseo.co.uk